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Academic Works
I have a PhD in English with a special interest in the author Thomas Hardy. I have published several essays in scholarly journals and have listed them here.
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The Letter Killeth in Tess of the D’Urbervilles
Publication: The Hardy Society Journal, Summer 2015, Vol. II, No.2
The Pursuit of Form in Hardy’s The Well-Beloved
Publication: The Hardy Society Journal Spring 2013, Vol .9
Natural Ties and Social Law in The Mayor of Casterbridge
Publication: The Thomas Hardy Journal, Autumn 2008, Vol. XXIV
The Natural and the Cultivated in the Novels of Thomas Hardy
Publication: The Thomas Hardy Journal, Autumn 2006, Vol. XXII
Clym Yeobright: Hardy’s Comtean Hero
Publication: The Thomas Hardy Journal, May 2000, Vol. XVI
The Natural and the Cultivated in the Novels of Thomas Hardy
This is a book
Publisher: University of Wales, Lampeter, 1998
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